Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Oops I Did It Again

Checking Agent Query every day has become a bit of an addiction. What better place to find a newly hired agent, check snail mail addresses and get a sense of the sort of material an agent represents.

Recently, they listed Simon Green of POM Agency as someone interested in being queried. Looks like I've gone and scared the fella off.

He gets my query letter, and the next thing you know, he's not taking any more queries. Don't send me another, he begs, and the Agent Query site obliges by changing their listing. Not accepting queries anymore, Mr. Green of POM.

Surely his desk was piled high with them, and my missive was the one to set the pile crashing, possibly causing paper cuts and minor bruising. That was five weeks ago, and it must have taken him this long to dig out from underneath and send his updated information to Agent Query. No more, he has had enough. That would possibly explain the lack of a reply - even the sight of a SASE is enough to cause crippling flashbacks to the avalanche of queries.

At the beginning of January I sent a snail mail query to Michelle Wolfson, who is listed as an agent at Ralph Vicinanza's establishment. Much to my surprise, while browsing around yesterday, I found her listed as an agent at Adam Chromy's Artists and Artisans. Since she never replied to my original query, which I guess was the one that drove her to switch agencies unannounced,I e-mailed a new one to her attention. Switch agencies if you like, but sooner or later the queries will find you. How long before Ms. Wolfson tells Agent Query that she's not taking on new clients?

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