Thursday, June 03, 2010

There's Never Enough Time

I'm so wrapped up in the new manuscript that I haven't bothered to query the one that's finished.

Except that I found the name of a new agent, a former editor who's gone to the other side of the book acquisition world. Can't hurt, says I, to fire off the most recent version of the query letter that was thoroughly ignored by the other two agents who received it.

New agents who are building a client list are more inclined to ask for pages on a query letter that's not perfect but is composed in standard English and is coherent.

Can't blog and put together a submission at the same time. That's because there's a limited number of minutes available in the day for any and all writing related projects.

I know the agent asked for a writing sample because she's new and is more inclined to ask. But I'll take the happy feelings that arise from having a partial manuscript in an agent's hands, and use it to fire up my inspiration as I work on another novel.

Doesn't leave enough time to come up with a pithy blog post, however.

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