Saturday, May 13, 2006


Agent Query has always been a reliable source of information for good, legitimate agents, and I never felt that I had to tread carefully before sending a query to one of their listees - until now.

Recently they added Susan Graham of About Words Agency. The name was familiar, and I recalled seeing it on a romance writer's site. Any time an agency name rings a bell, and a negative one at that, I'm off to Preditors & Editors
to check things out. Sure enough, About Words Agency is listed as NOT RECOMMENDED.

If you're looking for an agent, you have to do your homework to avoid the scammers and the well-intentioned losers, and Agent Query is no longer the shortcut it once was. Why, you might ask, is this agency not recommended?

The simple fact is, they seem to be tied at the hip to an editing service, and such a parasitic relationship should send up the red flags. Agents should not be sending your work off to an editor who is sitting at their right hand, and you as a writer should be aware that most of the time, said agent will tell you that you need editing and here's the bill. That's not how it's done in the legitimate agenting world.

By all means, use Agent Query to help in your search. Just don't forget to vet your selections. Let the writer beware, and avoid the sharks.


Michael Martinez said...

Susan Graham and I worked together and as an author client I was satisfied with her work. I would never trust a "Not recommended" listing on any site regardless of its age if it provides no explanation of the reasoning behind the poor rating. I looked at Preditors & Editors, which is far from a professionally designed and presented site, and there is no indication of why they blacklisted Susan.

I suggest you find a better source of information about agents.

O hAnnrachainn said...

The problem is with the agency. Susan Graham is not listed at Preditors & Editors. You've already seen the post at Absolute Write: which explains why the agency is not recommended. Perhaps with Ms. Graham back on board, the agency will no longer be looked on as a book-doctoring service, which is why it was "Not recommended".

Dave Kuzminski, who runs the site, is always willing to update things if he has current info. You might want to contact him.

His site is good for vetting agents, for weeding out the scammers, but I prefer Gerard Jones' site. Much more entertaining altogether.