Thursday, February 09, 2006


Sending off another short story to a literary magazine, and I've got the old feeling of complete confidence. A little of the old 'how could they not publish this, it's that good' line of thinking. Now, after getting shot down so often on novel-length queries, one might think this is madness. It is.

Having never before tried to write short fiction, outside of English class, I'm as much a newbie as I was with the first queries. What goes on the cover letter? Don't really know and can't get much in the way of suggestions, so I wing it and hope for the best. Why should a short be any different than a full? Read the first few lines, and the editor makes a snap decision. Same idea, shrunk down in size - like sending a partial only there's nothing more to be requested. It's up or down with a literary magazine submission.

Supposedly, I should hear back in a matter of months. I'm getting to like short pieces. They keep the mind occupied and well away from the drudgery of agent querying. Besides, a new source of rejection should make life more interesting.

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