Saturday, April 29, 2006

Response Time

It's been a month since an agent has requested a partial manuscript - but I haven't been sending out too many queries, either. Gotten fully distracted by the WIP that's going along better than ever.

Of the partials still being reviewed, what does it mean that Martha Hoffman has had the material since mid-January? Is she liking what she sees and letting it fester, then going back to be sure she does, indeed, like it? Or is she so busy with other things that she has yet to get to the manuscript? Jessica Regel rejected the partial so quickly that the ink was barely dry before she was turning it down. On the other hand, three other agents have had stuff for over a month with no response.

What does it mean? Absolutely nothing. Some literary agents are highly organized, or they have staff to do the grunt work. They can respond fast, one way or the other. Some literary agents(based on my experience with Robert Guinsler) will do a read and then put the manuscript aside, looking it over much later rather than going by their first impression.

Every agent is different. If they are busy, they can't get back to you quickly. If they like, maybe, the partial, they'll get back to you quickly. Or slowly. Depends. Drives you mad, doesn't it?

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