Monday, April 10, 2006

Moving On Down the Road

So, Kate McKean's gone and left Dystel & Goderich, and just when I was thinking of sending her a query for the manuscript she might have run across as an assistant to Sally Wofford-Girand.

Conspiracy theorists have seen her departure, coupled with the recent announcement of Molly Friedrich, as being significant. Then again, Folio Literary Agency has picked up a few stragglers and grown in size. Could it be Ms. McKean's bolted for greener pastures? A better offer from a start-up firm?

Or is she sick to death of the piles of query letters and sample chapters, the need to reject 99% of the authors who contact her? Has she grown hopelessly weary of the rejection from editors at the big publishing houses, looking for something that's like the latest blockbuster, only fresh and new? Heaven help us, has she gone to the dark side and become an editor at one of those same publishers?

Type up your query, save it as a Word document, and wait patiently. Be ready to insert her new address if she's stayed with the agenting game. Wherever she lands, if she sticks to the agent game, she'll be hungry for those queries, still searching for the next big thing and the next big commission check.

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