Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Agent Done Gone

Has anyone seen Michelle Wolfson?

She's not with Artists and Artisans, Inc. anymore. Does it have anything to do with Adam Chromy's decision to operate the agency as a literary management firm? There's a different approach for managing as compared to agenting, and if she preferred to be a literary agent only, she might have gone elsewhere. But where?

The query I recently sent to Artists and Artisans isn't likely to make sense for a management firm, when I've no star power or platform in need of handling. Might as well move on and expect a rejection (or no response....same thing).

So as I cross Ms. Wolfson off my list of potential agents to query, I have to wonder if it's possible that she came to her senses and got a real job, like acquisitions editor or something with an equally regular paycheck.


Anonymous said...

Impressive that you noticed that I was gone the same day I left! I did leave Artists & Artisans this past week to start my own agency, Wolfson Literary Agency. You can find my new website (although it's still under construction) at and I am accepting queries. Thanks for keeping track of me.
Michelle Wolfson

O hAnnrachainn said...

The same day? Mr. Chromy was uncommonly quick to change his Publishers Marketplace page, so.

Best of luck with your new venture and continued success (which you'd have if you were representing me).