Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Newcastlewest Books Contest Still Open

We've given away four copies of A Terrible Beauty already, but we'd like to get a copy into more hands.

Just tell us how Irish you think you are.

Send a short message to, include your name and address, and you might win your own copy of a story that you won't be able to put down.

From 1867 to 1916, A Terrible Beauty traces the arc of rebellion that bubbled under the surface for decades before erupting in bloody combat on Easter Monday, 1916. What drives a person to risk all for the sake of liberty? You'll find an answer within the pages of A Terrible Beauty.

You can read the first chapter here. Then you'll want to enter our contest here.

Go on, tell us how Irish you are. You've nothing to lose, and an outstanding piece of fiction to gain.

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