Monday, January 05, 2009

In Need Of A Word Fix

Why have I been so short-tempered of late?

Point a finger at the past two weeks, and mumble about the schedule I've kept and who wouldn't be cranky? All the visits, the relations spending a few days, the entertaining of guests, and anyone would be tired out after such a time.

Blame the holiday season, but the real reason is the lack of writing.

All the words are going around my head, desperate to escape onto a piece of paper, yet there's not been a free minute for release. I haven't had a chance to sit down for my daily hour or two of writing, and like any other addict, I'm suffering from withdrawal.

My fuse has burned short. I'm so happy that the Christmas season is now done and over. It means I can get back to the re-worked query. It means I can do the re-write on an old manuscript to bring it up to date for re-submitting to the new agents who weren't around for the first round of queries.

Holidays are grand, but sometimes they drag on too long.

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