Thursday, October 26, 2006


The dust has yet to settle on my keyboard and I'm hearing back from Svetlana Katz at Janklow & Nesbit. I shot off a query to her on Friday, six days ago. It's possible that she received it on Monday, if the USPS was particularly prompt.

Here we are six days later, and already I've got her rejection in hand. Efficient and fast do not begin to describe the rapidity of the answer. Was it that bad that she had to get every scrap of it out the door as soon as possible?

"...I am inundated with requests for assistance and representation" she says. Of course, Tina Bennett said exactly the same thing. Even the bit about allocating time effectively, and being forced to decline participation in many worthy projects. Is it a form rejection, do you think? How convenient, to have a one size fits all rejection that the office secretary can stuff into SASEs.

Is it any wonder she could get back to me in a matter of seconds? Onward and upward, as the mountain climbers say. Sure is an awfully high mountain to climb.

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