Saturday, March 28, 2009

Lights Out, Heat Up

We're to turn off our electric lights this evening to show that we're keen to save the earth.

Cities can't turn off their lights or the criminals will have too much darkness for their operations. You can't turn off your computer or your television, since you're sitting in the dark and can't read. A person has to have some form of entertainment. Sure there's always the Kindle, to get around the lights-out business, but that's expensive and this is all about saving.

Hospitals have to be well illuminated at all times. Families traveling along the roads by car have need of those huge signs, shining with all their ferocity, so that they can find the nearest petrol station or rest area. Of course the lights on the cars have to be kept on for safety reasons.

Not many regular folks are expected to sit in the dark for an hour or two. They don't go in much for the show, when they're more for action.

Chances are, the cost of electricity has reached the limit of your means to pay and you run around the house like your da did all those years ago, turning off lights in rooms that aren't in use. You can't afford to waste things anymore, and you don't need some marketing guru to tell you to plunge your home into darkness in order to save anything.

Some regular folks, however, do go in for a bit of a display. They'll have every light lit, indoors and out.

I'm planning to throw a few logs on the hearth and generate a bit extra heat to stave off the cold wind that's blowing. March is going out like a lion in these parts.

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