Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Doing Something About Darfur

The U.S. is busy in the Middle East, making sure that oil flows and the western world's economy can chug along as per usual. Enormous volumes of hot air have been blown out of the UN and the EU in an effort to get the Yanks out of Iraq and into Chad, where a humanitarian crisis is brewing. Look, it's been said, there's problems with Islamo-fascists in Africa, won't you please come and shoot them up.

Stretched to the limits, the US said, and why don't you go into Chad yourself and, you know, actually do something besides complain about the humanitarian crisis.

Ireland is on the verge of sending its troops into Chad, to create a safe haven for refugees and protect those who are trying to distribute aid. The United Nations said it was all right to go, and the European Union has given its blessing. The final key to unlock the door to Chad will be provided by the Dail, where Minister of Defense Willie O'Dea is soon to request Ireland's stamp of approval for the mission.

All those years of buying African babies, but will Irish politicians allow their young men to journey into harm's way? It's easy to talk about the needs of the Darfur refugees, but voting to send someone's son to a war zone is another matter entirely.

Will there be more hot air billowing out of Dublin? Perhaps a call to other EU member nations, to send some of their children to face mortal danger, and why must it be us doing all the heavy lifting? Or will the elected officials have the courage to walk the walk after talking the talk?

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