Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Job Interview

When we started out, of course, we thought by now that things would be grand. You're still young. I bet you look to the future and figure you'll be set.

You never know, though. The house still isn't paid for, what with all the re-financing and the equity loans. It's mostly this past year. Maybe past two years. Some days he only works for a couple, three hours. Swears when the crew foremen call him on the radio, like it's such a terrible interruption that they're bothering him with work issues. Business is down for everyone. Competition is harsher, absolutely. Yes, exactly, someone out of work thinks they could set up their own shop. Problem is, they go in on a shoestring, don't charge enough and then go broke. They drag prices down with them. Everyone's operating on slim margins.

There's a new study out, about longevity and marriage. Women who divorce and re-marry late in life don't live as long as those who stay married to the same person. The scientists, they don't quite get their findings. Go look at the financial picture for those women, I say. Struggling to get by for years will age you, believe me. Then they've had enough and they dump the moocher, but the damage to the heart's been done. The scientists? Of course they were men. They don't see the stress. We hide it pretty well, I think.

But anyway, doing without isn't what I had in mind twenty-five years ago. Income's half what it was since he starting getting lazy. Lazier. Career change, that's what I'm after. Complete turn around. Take care of my needs, and get the last one of the kids through college and on his feet. If I had a million dollars? Oh, I'd travel. I suppose everyone says that, but I'd be gone in a heartbeat.

Really, I can start right now. This minute.

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