Monday, August 20, 2012

The Complexities of Female Biology

According to Todd Akin, it was a conversation with doctors that had him misspeaking in regard to rape and pregnancy.

The man then repeated what he thought he'd heard, but female biology is complex and the average man just doesn't know enough science to understand what he's told.

He is against abortion for any reason, and thought he'd been given medical support for his beliefs. But again, he lacks knowledge and so he misunderstood what he thought was support for his position.

A genuine rape, and not some artificially concocted bit of violence, rarely results in pregnancy, so in Mr. Akin's mind, there's no need to carve out an exception to an absolute ban on abortion.

Women's bodies have an amazing ability to shut down, thereby preventing unwanted pregnancies.

Women's bodies are remarkable to men in so many ways, and so mysterious to those who never took courses on human physiology or reproductive biology. Why, that's almost everyone, isn't it?

Women's bodies do indeed have an inherent ability to shut down, but it is a permanent condition.

Yes, it's true.

Women reaching the age of fifty, or thereabouts, find that their reproductive systems shut down and they never get pregnant again. Not even if they want to.

This incredible ability is called....menopause.

So there you have it.

Women in the post-menopause phase of their lives do not get pregnant following genuine rape.

Todd Akin did not so much misspeak as misunderstand the facts that he used to frame his argument.

He could walk this all back and amend his stance to one that bans abortion in the case of post-menopausal women who are raped. Genuinely raped, of course.

As for the younger women who are twice traumatized, he could take a page from the Irish bishops of old and punish them for getting pregnant against their will.

A string of Magdalene laundries across the country out to do it. Look how well the culture of confinement worked for Ireland, where the government spent decades in policing morality.

And just try to get an abortion in Ireland in this day and age.

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