Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Move Along, Nothing To See Here

The recession is over.

Move along. Go back about your business.

You did a decent job of it last month, by spending and raising retail sales 0.6%. There are those naysayers and begrudgers, of course, who point out that August was back-to-school month and consumers had to spend money to outfit the youngsters, but Ben Bernanke would like you all to believe that the recession is finished.

If you still have a job and don't have a great fear of losing it, you should go out and spend. Some economists believe that people aren't doing this, but are saving their money in case they should get the sack. Anything can happen, goes the thinking, and better to have something to fall back on should the worst occur. Stop worrying. The recession is over.

As for the economists who see inflation on the horizon, that's all the more reason to buy what you need now. The price is only going to go up, and those who lived through the Jimmy Carter administration know what that's like. What money you save will be worth far less in six months time, so you might as well spend it now.

Have no fear. The Federal Government has things well in hand. Go back to your shopping.

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