Monday, October 06, 2008

Well-Being Check

There's been a discussion over at about the disappearance of agent Kirsten Wolf, who went off on her own and hasn't been heard of since.

Always a bad sign, the full mailbox overflowing with correspondence. Or in the case of the e-mail box, stuffed to electronic overflow so that delivery fails. Is anyone at home, the querying author will wonder. The mail's not being picked up, so is it a case of an overburdened agent who's just opened up her own shop, or is she doing this part time and ignoring new writers, or....could it be something much more serious?

I sent my query to Ms. Wolf when she left Jill Grinberg's stable and heard nothing, of course, but no reply is a no so it must have been a no. Yet Ms. Grinberg still lists Kirsten Wolf as one of her associates, so did she not actually leave? Or did Ms. Grinberg never get around to updating her page at Publishers Marketplace?

Someone should do a well-being check, to actually track the agent down and see with their own eyes that she's alive and well and not locked in a closet somewhere in New York City, forced to read slush against her will when she'd much rather be an agent in her own right, rejecting wannabe authors.

The least I could do is send her a query for a different manuscript and see if there's any signs of life.

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