Saturday, October 11, 2008

Haven't Found One Yet

If you're still looking for an agent, she goes, and can you send a sample of the manuscript?

The query letter was sent out only three weeks ago, and I am indeed still looking for an agent. I've been looking for a few years now, and have yet to locate one who'll sign me on. So of course you can have the first three chapters.

Take your time with the reviewing, even though there's other agents looking. Quite a few have looked, and they've all passed. No reason to expect anything different on this go.

As a matter of fact, since all those others rejected the sample, I had a brilliant idea and I changed a character in the opening chapter. Now the female protagonist opens with an argument with her mother, to set up a conflict I hadn't considered before, until all the rejections rolled in.

So yes, I am still looking, and you're the only one with this particular version of the manuscript. I expect that you'll reject it somewhere down the road, so I'll just keep on querying other agents in the meantime. I'm sure you'll understand.

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