Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A New Agency, An Old Agent

Successful agents do reside in other parts of the country besides New York City. Jonathon Lazear opened up an office in Hudson, Wisconsin, in the vicinity of Minneapolis, and managed to make a living.

For a while, Julie Mayo was on the staff but left the agenting business some time ago.

Another member of the Lazear Agency stable, Christi Cardenas, has now gone off on her own, which suggests that Mr. Lazear has retired and shut up his shop.

Ms. Cardenas can still be located in Hudson, Wisconsin, but she has hung out her very own shingle at The Plains Agency.

Like any newcomer to the field, she's very interested in receiving your query, especially if you write women's fiction or mystery, sci-fi and fantasy, and she wouldn't mind some non-fiction in the areas of business, parenting, and the like.

Just not historical fiction. Or my historical fiction, at any rate.

Under two weeks from e-query to rejection. A real rejection, that is, and not just a no response means no kind of thing.

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