Monday, January 01, 2007

There's Always Tomorrow

It will be tomorrow, or more likely Wednesday, when the agents come back to their offices and face the pile of queries. I've seen to it that a few of mine are there, ready to go.

Until then, I could make a resolution or two, but what to resolve? Resolve to get an agent this year? Now there's a complete nonsense. I've been trying for too many years and I know how unrealistic it would be. What I can resolve to do is to keep improving. Year after year, I learn something new, spend some time studying what little is out there to give a writer a clue. So for 2007, I resolve to keep going. To keep learning, to keep mailing queries, to keep writing.

To that end, I resolve to read. Whatever is out there, no matter how nasty, I will try to read what is being published so that I learn what agents are looking for. Every book I pick up will be dissected and examined, to determine structure and pacing. Where does the back story go, what sort of opening is a hook to get an agent to read the next page and then the next chapter?

For 2007, I resolve not to go away.

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