Friday, November 11, 2005

...Or Else

Speaking in Dublin recently, the Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary, the leader of Al Muhajiroun in Britain, warned the good people of Ireland that they should prevent American soldiers from stopping over at Shannon Airport. One can imagine him waggling his finger at the audience, issuing his dire warning that Ireland could face the same sort of bombing as London, for the terrible crime of not doing what Al Qaeda wants. Don't let the soldiers touch Irish soil, or else. Suffer the consequences.

Of course, if the world really wants to avoid bombings, all people have only to embrace the Islamic caliphate. Let us do what we want or else. Childish temper tantrums are harmless unless the child has its hands on deadly force.

Where can the average person turn? Not to God, because Pat Robertson has issued his own fatwa and we are all doomed. Teach creationism under the guise of science or else. Of course, he's not one to send a suicide bomber into the school board meeting. Apparently, Pat has a direct line to God, and he'll let the Lord do the smoting. Except for the Catholics, apparently, because the Pope has issued his directive. Learning a lesson from the Galileo debacle, the Catholic Church has warned its members about the dangers of fundamentalism, urging them to accept science.

Today, we honor veterans of past and present wars, those who sacrificed their lives to save the rest of us from fundamentalism. We owe them our freedom and liberty, gained at a great cost.

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