Monday, November 28, 2005

Is It Me?

For some reason, one would assume that prompt means quick, or relatively quickly. Then why is one agent's prompt reply a resounding no reply? My follow up e-mail went unanswered, which I suppose is an answer in its own way. Even so, would it be so difficult to stuff a form rejection in the SASE and drop it in the mail?

At the moment, I am waiting to hear from another agent who was given an exclusive - and the time is up. The simplest solution is to query away, my conscience clear, but I would very much like this person to represent my novel. All this waiting is becoming an enormous distraction, a flock of unwanted thoughts that flit around in my head while I am trying to focus on my current WIP. Picturing the characters, I am assaulted by doubts about the storytelling, the POV, the number of adverbs and adjectives, the pace, and every other minute detail that might be wrong with the novel being shopped. Why no call? Why no response? Is the manuscript that bad? Maybe good enough but maybe borderline?

The critic's voice just won't go away, shouting over the characters who are muddling over their own ethical dilemma. Time to drown the critic in the bottom of a glass of well-chilled vodka.

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