Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Priorities Of A Writer

The first priority of a writer is to write.

That doesn't mean posting to the blog.

Work is pressing these days. My writing time is short. Too short, to the point of being non-existent, but I can't get through the day without putting some words down on paper. I tend to get distracted with the things running through my head and that's really dangerous when I'm driving.

So off I go, to work on a manuscript that was outlined long ago and then sat, unattended.

After that, there's a manuscript to be edited for Newcastlewest Books, a new novel from a new writer that we hope to launch in the autumn.

Too much to do in too little time.

I'll be back to the blog eventually. Somewhere in the world, someone will produce a grand gesture that's worth documenting.

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