As the ladies age and the ligaments grows slack, you might find them investing in various support garments to hold it all together.
As for the gentlemen, gravity and a fondness for beer do significant damage to the sleek physique.
Ladies have their shapewear, uncomfortable and tight and constricting.
Now they've gone and developed the same misery for men. Introducing Spanx For Men, a line of undergarments that will have you looking fit without the need of a gym membership.
Suck in that gut? No need if you're wearing Spanx For Men.
Take a deep breath? Not entirely possible, by the look of things.
Men possessed of a vain streak have long had their corsets and girdles to slim a figure. Spanx For Men is merely the latest incarnation.
Having a flat stomach is a sign of youth and vigor, and we'd all like to look young for as long as possible. It's just that it's so much work as you age. Women have long known this. On top of that, the poor dears have the added burden of pregnancy, which stretches out the belly in a manner that becomes more permanent as the years slide by. Little wonder that they'd be at the forefront of creating illusions.
So now men can hide their lack of fitness behind a constricting undergarment, and face the same dilemma that women face when it's time to remove said garment as a moment of intimacy approaches. For centuries, the lasses have been fretting over the man's reaction to discovering the naked truth about a less-than-perfect body. Men will be facing that same moment of truth in their Spanx For Men.
They're getting even, the ladies. Leveling the field.
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