Thursday, March 03, 2011

Not A Publisher, Never Played One On TV

The e-mail came from Ann Smith.

We don't know anyone named Ann Smith.

"Introducing myself as a literary agent representing an author"
Quite the beginning, but couldn't you at least say hello? I mean, to jump in like that, no greeting or salutation, and introduce yourself. And what sort of an introduction is it? You didn't give us your name in any proper manner.

At any rate, Ann Smith has an unnamed client who wants us to publish a book with "tranquil settings" in India, Malaysia and/or Thailand.

What the hell is a "tranquil destination"? Someplace other than Tripoli?

Should we be interested, we can be assured that not much editing will be required because this gem is a compilation of articles already printed in travel magazines we've never heard of.

This is spam of the most misdirected order.

Literary agents approach publishers. Real publishers.

They don't fire off queries to authors.


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