Friday, November 25, 2011

When Black Friday Comes

Okay, so Steely Dan has nothing to do with shopping, but it's a good song.

This Black Friday is all about shopping.

The news stories are full of advice. The traffic reporters are giving updates on traffic jams in parking lots around shopping malls. It's madness. It's about being sucked into a store by clever marketing.

Barnes and Noble is just one of many brick and mortar stores that wants to bring in paying customers who will provide them with profits. To do so, they will offer goods below cost, take a loss, and count on you the consumer to buy other stuff at regular long as you're there.

The price of gas and all, the added expense to find that item cheaper elsewhere, not such a savings when you consider the fuel burned....

So you could buy your dearly beloved a Nook for $79, and that's $20 off retail. Then your special someone would become a B&N customer when they started filling the Nook's memory with books. All to the good for B&N in the long run.

There's deals on games for the kiddies, DVDs, and books, but you have to walk into the store to acquire these low-priced gifts. Because once you're in the store, looking around, you might spot a little something that would be perfect for Uncle Elmer and that's why all the stores are putting out loss leaders.

Enjoy your shopping experience. I'll be sitting at home with the remnants of an apple pie and a real book, not spending money and not buying into the insanity that is competitive shopping.

The best bargains are not to be found today anyway. Patience and not buying into the herd mentality will prove to be most cost-effective.

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