Friday, September 23, 2011

And Authors Everywhere Second The Motion

In an interview in today's Irish Independent, best-selling author Roddy Doyle issues a simple and heartfelt plea.

He's wishing that more middle-aged men would buy books, and by default, read them.

Authors everywhere second the motion.

As a businessman, you'd expect Mr. Doyle to push his product whenever possible, but there's more than that behind his frustration.

The notion of reading as a pleasurable way to spend some time is getting lost amid a mass of competing distractions that don't add to a person's personal growth. Grand that you're the Halo champion, but you learn nothing substantial by pushing buttons repeatedly on a control device.

Reading opens up new worlds, exposes the reader to new ideas, and often provides the reader a few hours of escape from the world's troubles.

Sure the author uses imagination to craft the novel, but the reader has to use imagination to envision what is presented in words. And while existing in that imaginary world, the stock market tumbling or the stack of past-due bills ceases to exist for a few precious minutes.

Support an author. Support your local independent book vendor. Go buy a book. Read.

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