Tuesday, November 10, 2009

And You Thought It Was All About Literature

Sweating over the perfect word, agonizing over the placement of a comma, now we're learning that authors have it all wrong.

It's all about being green.

Today, in only a few short minutes, one hundred bloggers are going to review books based entirely on their ecological correctness. Printed on recycled paper? You're golden.

Eco-Libris has organized the campaign, which is meant to promote saving trees. The trees that are grown to be harvested to make paper? That's like not eating tortillas to save the corn plants.

As would be expected, several of the books scheduled to be reviewed are books that tell us how to live in an ecologically preserved manner. There's a fair number of books geared towards children, who aren't learning how to save the planet from Mom and Dad and their wasteful SUV.

What will the reviews entail? Might the reviewers look at the quality of the prose, or will the critique focus on the green message contained within?

Wouldn't it be more eco-friendly to bypass the print process and go straight to the Kindle or the Nook? Limit books to downloads that don't require a scrap of wood pulp?

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