Saturday, July 11, 2009

Michelle Obama Takes The Veil

Who would have guessed that one visit to the Vatican could turn the First Lady into a nun?

Men and women both are expected to dress in a conservative fashion when meeting His Holiness. Conservative black, conservative covering of the arms, conservative covering of the knees for the ladies, like a nun who would never consider any other color than black.

The severe hair-do takes us back to the old days, when we wondered if the good Sisters had any hair on their heads, underneath those veils. We learned, after Vatican II, that the old girls didn't shave their heads or anything so drastic, but they did keep it short and avoided trends. No time for a nun to fuss with her hair, not when there's poor to be served.

After Vatican II, lay women didn't have to cover their hair anymore. The clergy figured out that the notion, still so popular in repressive Muslim countries, didn't make sense in a modern world. That was for the laity. Nuns continued to wear a veil, although the wimple went the way of the dinosaur and the veil itself become a perky little bonnet sort of thing.

Catholics have photographic prove that Michelle Obama has left her Baptist roots behind and become one of us, a Catholic, a super-Catholic, a Sister.

Why else would she have donned what looks for all the world like a nun's habit?


Aeneas said...

I was expecting bare arms... seriously.

BTW, did you hear about that article in Newsweek titled something to the effect that O represents American Catholics more than the Pope? Wow! Who knew? I so love being a Catholic now!

O hAnnrachainn said...

That makes it so much easier being Catholic if we don't have to pay attention to the Pope. He's not cool at all and he looks ridiculous in shades.

Aeneas said...

LOL!!! You mean our Panzer Pope is not cool? I thought electing the Chief Inquisitor of the Church was very cool. Kidding aside, I have read his writings long before he became pope and always enjoyed them. They are very interesting, systematic and with very logical, well organized approach to explaining very difficult concepts.

Next Sunday I'm going to tell our dear Monsignor (who I believe voted for the cool one...) to change the prayer (you know, the one at the end where we pray for the bishop, etc.) to Cool Pompass instead of Benedict. Or... I am going to ask with a very serious, obotic face about the article. I want to see him turn red in the face.

That will earn me being kicked out of the sacristy... But then, they're going to lose one awesome, cool, California wacko lector. Mwahahahahahaha

O hAnnrachainn said...

His Holiness is just so....German. Follow the rules, don't ask questions, just obey orders.

I don't think the Pope is all that pleased with Mr. O, not after the White House put a little spin on the man's history.

He went to a Catholic school as a lad in Indonesia, the story goes, so he absorbed all that Catholic teaching. As if that would make the abortion issue fade away.

Before you ask your monsignor about the article, you might want to check his blood pressure first. Wouldn't want to be confessing to murder.

Aeneas said...

Amazing. He was telling everyone in the Middle East how he absorbed all that Islam in school in Indonesia. Truly AMAZING--even as a young lad he was in two places at the same time. Even Jesus couldn't pull that off!

As for the monsignor--right. That would ruin all that karma thing. I laughed out loud when I read that; I mean, you don't know how well it fits.

Aeneas said...

BTW, it wasn't the monsignor today at Mass. It his assistant pastor, who is a very very nice man and therefore no fun to attack.

Anonymous said...

How hypocritical to wear a veil while visiting the Vatican, but everyone has a poop when a woman does the same thing in a Muslim country.

O hAnnrachainn said...

The concept of a woman covering her hair arises out of the same tribal customs that date back to ancient Jewish tradition. It's just that the Muslim countries haven't moved beyond the past, and as for the Vatican, well, they're a bit stuck in the past as well.