Sunday, May 31, 2009

Not Everyone Is At BEA

The query isn't doing a thing. One request for pages, and that ended up as a rejection.

Today, I revamped the query, taking a new approach.

A trial run of five submissions sounded like a suitable test. Five agents who accept e-mail queries and express some interest in the sort of thing that I write. Well, fiction at any rate, and my genre isn't on the list of what they aren't looking for.

With Book Expo America running this weekend in New York City, you'd think that all the literary agents would be busy. But no.

Jeff Kleinman of Folio Literary Management managed to spend some time with his inbox. Already I've gotten the first rejection on the latest version of the query. Or was it the first page of the manuscript that didn't attract the slightest enthusiasm?

Not off to a very promising start for this summer's crop of submissions.

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