Saturday, April 25, 2009

Watch This Space

Keep an eye on Trident Media. Change is a'comin'.

How do I come by this inside knowledge? Should I reveal my sources?

Nothing so mysterious as having a guy who has a guy. No, it's all because of the job that's advertised at PublishersMarketplace.

Trident Media Group is looking for a literary agent who represents romance. Someone with a stable of clients that will follow her (or him, but it's usually a female) and become a Trident Media Group client.

They'll throw in health and dental, which are nice perks that would be attractive to an independent agent who's had to pay up her own insurance coverage and that gets to be expensive after a time, and it would lovely to have office staff to make life easier.

You, the romance writer looking for an agent, would do well to pounce on Trident Media's new hire when she's eager to show what she can do and will be more amenable to considering new clients. Ensconced in Trident Media's office suite, the new recruit would have more time for authors in need of publishers because there'd be less time taken up with the mundane paperwork. She'd have staff, you see, and she could increase her client base.

Polish the query one last time. Buff up the manuscript. Get ready to submit before everyone else does, and make sure it's your query on the top of the pile.


Aeneas said...

Oh, yeah... Trident Media Group. I remember them, among the many i sent my query letters. I was very clever--I offered them both the novel and the script adapted from it. Brilliant, right?

It didn't blow them away. Silly me.

O hAnnrachainn said...

It's not a question of blowing an agent away with a great story or sparkling prose.

If you happened to write something that an editor is looking for, you're in. They're in the business of selling manuscripts, not finding works of art.

Makes it frustrating, but that's where the subjectivity comes in.