Friday, November 14, 2008

No Host For You

Screw your secret ballot. Confess.

Nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition, but Father Jay Scott Newman is the new Torquemada.

Confess. Did you vote for Barack Obama? You're going straight to hell, in that case, and how dare you stroll up to the communion rail with that blot of sin on your immortal soul?

The good Father has told his parishioners in Greenville, South Carolina, that if they voted for Obama, they have no business participating in Catholic sacraments. Neither do those who've been divorced and remarried without an annulment granted. All sinners are treated alike in the Roman Catholic Church.

Confess. Did you color in the circle next to the Democratic candidate's name? You cooperated with evil, consorted with Satan himself. Don't touch the body of Christ until you've confessed your sin and admitted to the priest that you voted for Obama. Stay away from the Holy Eucharist until you've been thoroughly absolved.

It's not too late to bring back the rack and the thumbscrews, you know. This is your immortal soul we're talking about here. Confess and find salvation. Go and vote Democratic no more.

Now, since Father Michael Pflager at Saint Sabina's Church in Chicago was so heavily pro-Obama, is he due for excommunication? Does this make his parish a center of Satanism?


Anonymous said...

Fr. Pflager is one of the most "Catholic" priests you could ever find. He loves the church, God and all his people.Fr. Newman seems to be a man with problems rather then a good priest.

Anonymous said...

God Bless You, Father Jay Scott Newman. The Church needs very many more priests just like you.