Wednesday, November 28, 2012

For The Small Thrill Of It

What are you doing, reading this?

Why aren't you out there buying your Powerball ticket?

Of course you aren't going to win, but you can get a small thrill to make this Wednesday more tolerable by purchasing one ticket.

You can't get much for your dollar these days. Why not waste it on a little excitement, a little dreaming?

There's no harm in it.

And you might match five of the six numbers, which isn't a big jackpot, but you'd earn back your buck and a little more besides.

Have a little fun imagining what you'd do with all that cash.

Tomorrow, reality will intrude and it will be back to the old slog, the worry and the budgeting and the scrimping.

For a dollar, you can have a little vacation from all that. Up until the time the numbers are drawn.

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